Canadian Plant Disease Survey Archive

Volume 72

Table of Contents
Volume 72 (1), 1992


Volume 72 (2), 1992
First report of halo spot caused by Pseudoseptoria stomaticola in Alberta
S.W. Slopek and T.J. Labun

Pages 5-8
Response of cultivars and breeding lines of fhaseolus vulgaris L. to the black pod fungus, Alternaria alternata in southwestern Ontario
J.C. Tu and S.J. Park

Pages 9-12
Variability among cultivated sunflower genotypes to sclerotinia head rot
W. Dedio

Pages 13-16
Screening of alfalfa cultivars for resistance to Fusarium wilt in northeastern Alberta

Pages 17-20
Frequency and distribution of seedborne fungal pathogens in western Canadian Canola -1989 and 1990 R.M. Clear
Pages 21-28
Tomato spotted wilt virus, a problem on grass pea and field pea in the greenhouse in 1990 and 1991 R.C. Zimmer, K. Myers, S. Haber, C.G. Campbell and G.H. Gubbels
Pages 29-32
Diagnostic laboratories / Laboratoires diagnostiques
Pages 37-49
Forage legumes / Légumineuses fourragères
Pages 50
Cereals /Cereales
Pages 51-68
Oilseeds and special crops / Oléagineux et cultures spéciales
Pages 69-89
Small fruits / Petits fruits
Pages 90-93
Tree fruits and nuts / Arbres fruitiers et noix
Pages 94-96
Ornamentals / Plantes ornementales
Pages 97-98
Turfgrass / Gazon
Page 99
Forest trees / Arbres forestiers
Page 100
Page 101
A survey of penicillium stem rot on greenhouse cucumbers in southwestern Ontario
W.R. Jarvis and G.M. Ferguson

Pages 103-106
Screening of sainfoin cultivars and lines for yield, winter hardiness and resistance to fusarium crown and root rot in east central Alberta
S.F. Hwang, 6.P.Berg, R.J. H0wardandD.W. McAndrew

Pages 107-112
Incidence of the tobacco veinal necrotic strain of potato virus Y (PVYN)in Canada in 1990 and 1991 and scientific basis for eradication of the disease
R.P. Singh

Pages 113-120
Pseudomonas-like early blight on sweet cherries
T.S.C. Li and P.L. Sholberg

Pages 121-122
Author Index to Volume 72
Pages 123-124