Canadian Plant Disease Survey Archive

Volume 57

Table of Contents
Volume 57 (1,2), 1977


Incidence of green petal disease in strawberry in Prince Edward Island, 1976
J.A. Cutcliffe and L.S. Thompson

Pages 1-2
Distribution of stylet -bearing nematodes associated with raspberries and strawberries in British
F. D. McElroy

Pages 3-8
Resistance to naturally and artificially induced fire blight in the Harrow pear collection
H.A. Quamme

Pages 9-12
Outbreak of tomato late blight in Ontario
A.A. Reyes, J.G. Metcalfe, J.T. Warner, and L. W. Marheson

Pages 13-14
Pertes dues aux maladies chez la luzerne au Québec en 1976
C. Richard et C. Gagnon

Pages 15-17
LTB snow mold is probably not a graminicolous Typhula species
J. Drew Smith

Page 18
Genera of plant parasitic nematodes associated with soybeans on the heavier textured soils of Essex, Kent, and Lambton counties in southwestern Ontario
P.W. Johnson

Pages 19-22
Etiological and pathogenicity studies on the bacterial pod spot of rape
A. W. Henry and J. Letal

Pages 23-28
Blister smut in Kentucky bluegrass at Agassiz, B.C.
S.G. Fushtey and D.K. Taylor

Pages 29-30
Studies on the biology and control of Ascochyta fabae on faba bean
KR. Wallen and D.A. Galway

Pages 31-35
Volume 57 (3,4), 1977
Myrothecium roridum, a potential pathogen of rapeseed and mustard in Alberta
J. P. Tewari and W. P. Skoropad

Pages 37-41
Observations on the 1976 barley yellow dwarf epidemic in eastern Canada
A. Comeau and J. P. Dubuc

Pages 42-44
Field tests of cereal seed treated with nonmercurial fungicides
R. V. Clark

Pages 45-48
Field diseases of onions in coastal British Columbia
O. J. Ormrod, T. A. Swanson, and G. N. Smith

Pages 49-51
Plant parasitic nematodes from Canada and abroad, 1973-74
Robert Sewell

Pages 52-53
Plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass in southwestern British Columbia
S. G. Fushtey and F. O. McElroy

Pages 54-56
Tolerance of Venturia inaequalis to dodine in Nova Scotia
R. G. Ross and R. J. Newbery

Pages 57-60
Bacterial blight of field bean: disease progress, yield loss, and crop canopy development in principal cultivars in Ontario
V. R. Wallen and O. A. Galway

Pages 61-64
Blackpatch of forage legumes
B. Berkenkamp

Pages 65-67
Soybean phytophthora rot in southwestern Ontario
R. I. Buzzell, J. H. Haas. L. G. Crawford, and O. Vaarfaja

Pages 68-70
Weeping willow blight in coastal British Columbia
J. T. Hill, 0. J. Ormrod, and R. J. Copeman

Pages 71-74
Screening systemic fungicides for potato wart disease
Michael C. Hampson

Pages 75-78
Author index to volume 57
Page 79