CPS Membership renewal or registration

Membership Secretary: Sara Stricker. Contact regarding general memberships inquiries, and payment using the PDF or paper form (see below).

Timely membership payment: Before December 31

Forgotten user name or password:
1) Use the password retrieval system at the top right of the site.
2) If this does not work please email the Website Editor.

Post Docs, students and technicians: Requires an email from the supervisor to the Assistant to the CPS Treasurer/Membership Secretary, confirming their status.

Emeritus free membership: For retired CPS members who have been a member for more than 10 years can send a request to the Board of Directors to obtain Emeritus status in an email to the Membership Secretary, Sara Stricker.

Discount code: In cases when a discount code is available please email the Website Editor to obtain a current discount code. Please use your institutional email account.

Note: Multiple year memberships are no longer offered.

Main Group

You may select only one level from this group.

Level Price  
Regular & Fellow $100.00 now. Select
Emeritus (with journal) $15.00 now. Select
Emeritus Free. Select
Student (signatures needed) $15.00 now. Select
Technician $25.00 now. Select
Sustaining Associate (minimum) $200.00 now. Select
Post-doc $25.00 now. Select

Can’t register online?: Use the paper forms: English / Francais
Or contact the Membership Secretary by email.