Canadian Plant Disease Survey Archive

Volume 56

Table of Contents
Volume 56 (1), 1976


Snow mold control in turfgrasses with fungicides in Saskatchewan, 1971 -74
J. Drew Smith

Pages 1-8
Air-borne rust inoculum over western Canada in 1975
G.J. Green

Pages 9-11
Leaf rust of wheat in Canada in 1975
D. J. Samborski

Pages 12-14
Stem rust of wheat, barley, and rye in Canada in 1975
G.J. Green

Pages 15-18
Crown rust of oats in Canada in 1975
D.E. Harder

Pages 19-22
Stem rust of oats in Canada in 1975
J.W. Martens and R.I.H. McKenzie

Pages 23-24
Yield loss conversion factors for fusarium root rot of pea
P.K. Basu, N.J. Brown, R. Crhte, C.O. Gourley, H.W. Johnston, H.S. Pepin, and W.L. Seaman

Pages 25-32
Feathery mottle virus of sweet potato in Ontario
W.G. Kemp and G.H. Collin

Pages 33-34
Godronia canker of highbush blueberry restricted by suspected winter sun scald injury
C.L. Lockhart and F.R. Forsyth

Page 35
Distribution, severity, and relative importance of leaf spot diseases of wheat in western Canada in 1974 A. Tekauz
Pages 36-40
Barley losses due to common root rot in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, 1970-72
L.J. Piening. T.G. Atkinson. J.S. Horricks, R.J. Ledingham, J.T. Mills, and R.D. Tinline

Pages 41-45
Volume 56 (2), 1976
Adult plant reactions of commercial varieties of common wheat to new races of stem rust identified in 1974
G.J. Green

Pages 46-47
A powdery mildew on sugar beet in Alberta
F.R. Harper and P. Bergen

Pages 48-52
Barley stripe mosaic in the Canadian Prairies, 1974-75
Arthur W. Chiko

Pages 53-55
Some aspects of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Saskatchewan, 1970-75
R.A.A. Morrall, J. Dueck, D.L. McKenzie, and D.C. McGee

Pages 56-62
Control of Xanthomonas campestris in Brussels !jprouts with hot water and Aureomycin treatment
C.L. Lockhart, C.O. Gourley, and E. W. Chipman

Pages 63-66
Crown rot of rhubarb in Alberta
J.R. Letal

Pages 67-68
Control of lophodermium needle cast of Scots pine Christmas trees in British Columbia
D. J. Ormrod

Pages 69-72
Fusarium oxysporum isolated from potato tubers in Newfoundland
M.C. Hampson, K.G. Proudfoot, and C.R. Kelly

Page 73
 Volume 56 (3), 1976

Importance of disease to sunflower in Manitoba in 1975
J.A. Hoes and H.C. Huang

Pages 75-76

Further observations on zoosporic fungi associated with wheat spindle streak mosaic virus
D. J.S. Barr and J. T. Slykhuis

Pages 77-81
Pertes dues aux maladies chez la luzerne au Québec en 1975
C. Richard et C. Gagnon

Pages 82-84
Incidence of bacterial blight of field beans in southwestern Ontario in 1975
V.R. Wallen and D.A. Galway

Pages 85-87
Further studies on replant disease of apple in Nova Scotia
R.G. Ross and A.D. Crowe

Pages 88-92
Infection of additional hosts of Synchytrium endobioticum, the causal agent of potato wart disease: 1. Tomato
Michael C. Hampson

Pages 93-94
Spoilage of rapeseed in elevator and farm storage in western Canada
J. T. Mills

Pages 95-103
Snow mold control in bentgrass turf with fungicides, 1975
J. Drew Smith and W. W. Reiter

Pages 104-108
Page 108
Volume 56 (4), 1976
Anthracnose on field beans in Ontario
V.R. Wallen

Page 109
Cooperative seed treatrnent trials -1976
J. T. Mills, J. Nielsen, G. Pelletier, J.G.N. Davidson, and L. J. Piening

Pages 110-113
A method for artificial inoculation of oats and barley for seed treatment trials on seedling infecting smuts
J. Nielsen

Pages 114-116
Air-borne rust inoculurn over vvestorn Canada in 1976′
G J Green

Pages 117-118
Stem rust ot wheat, bailey, and rye in Canada in 1976′
G. J. Green

Pages 119-122
Leaf rust of wheat in Canada in 1976′
D.J Samborski

Pages 123-125
Stem rust of oats in Canada in 1976′
J.W. Martens and R.I.H McKenzie

Pages 126-128
Crown rust of oats in Canada in 1976
D.E. Harder

Pages 129-131
Author index to volume 56
Page 132