The CPS Awards represent an important means of acknowledging the contributions of our members to our society, to the science of plant pathology and to the community in which we live. Please take time to consider and discuss with your CPS colleagues worthy candidates for the awards listed below.
There are several types of awards sponsored by CPS. For a detailed description of each award, and the nomination process, please visit the By-Laws of CPS. A list of previous recipients of these awards is displayed in the hardcopy of your Annual Membership Directory, and at CPS Previous Awardees.
The deadline for applications for all awards unless otherwise specified is the end of February each year, including reference letters. Please make sure that the name of each file you submit starts with your last
name. The files should be sent to the CPS Awards Committee at
1. Honorary Member
The nominee can be any person who has rendered eminent service to plant pathology and shall normally not be a member of the Society.
2. Fellow
Nominees shall be regular members of the Society who have rendered outstanding service to the Society and to the profession of plant pathology. Examples of service to CPS include having served on the CPS Board, Subject Matter Committees, editorial board, organizational committees, newsletter editor, website editor, etc. A description of these services should be included with the nomination.
3. Award for Outstanding Research
This award is intended to recognize outstanding research in plant pathology in Canada. As the Society’s most prestigious award, consideration is given to research involving new concepts, the discovery of new phenomena, or principles in plant pathology or novel application of existing principles.
4. Outstanding Young Scientist Award
The award is intended to recognize the contribution of a junior scientist, judged to have had a major impact on plant pathology in Canada. Nominees for this award must have successfully defended their doctoral thesis in the 12 years ending on December 31 in which the award is received, but time spent on parental, compassionate or medical leave (clearly identified in the nomination letter) is not counted as part of the 12-year period. Nominees need not be members of the Society, nor need they be domiciled in Canada. Recipients shall be judged to have made an outstanding contribution to plant pathology in Canada on the basis, not only of demonstrated competence, but also of one or more of the following special criteria: 1) superior research accomplishment, either as a single contribution or as a series of associated endeavours, in plant pathology or in a related field, 2) meritorious contribution to plant pathology scholarship or literature, whether or not this is based upon the recipient’s own original research, and whether or not it be based upon predominantly Canadian material, 3) unusually valuable practical application of scientific or technological expertise, and 4) significant leadership in plant pathology.
5. Graduate Student Travel Awards
The purpose of these awards is to provide reimbursement to selected graduate students to attend the Annual Meeting of the CPS.
Guidelines :
Application procedure for Graduate Student Travel Award
The student shall email the application to the Chair of the CPS Awards Committee by a specified time before the CPS annual meeting.
The student must be registered in a Master’s level or PhD degree program at the time of application and undertake a research project in the area of plant pathology. The awardee(s) have to be a CPS member at the time that the award is given.
The application must include:
Criteria for selection
Applications will be ranked based on scholastic performance, significance of the research conducted, and other evidence of contributions to the field of plant pathology. Applicants will be notified of the out-come of the committee’s deliberations 6 weeks prior to the annual meeting. The successful students will be presented with a cheque at the CPS Banquet. All travel and other arrangements are the responsibility of the student.
6. Achievements in Plant Disease Management
The award is intended to recognize the contributions by industry, or not-for-profit agencies, for innovative research, development of products and technologies, and/or transfer of information for the benefit of disease management in Canada. This award will be given to an individual, or a team, based on a combination of the following criteria:
The nomination must be accompanied by supporting evidence to substantiate contributions as outlined in the criteria above such as a list of scientific publications, patents, product development activities, demonstration of extension, training or volunteer activities within plant pathology and up to three letters of references.
The award will be granted depending on the availability of a suitable nominee, but not more than one award shall be granted in each year. The nominees need not be members of the Society, nor need they be domiciled in Canada, but the work must clearly demonstrate benefit to plant health in Canada. The award is open to individuals employed or contracted by industry or not-for-profit agencies to conduct research and/or extension directly resulting in improved disease management.
A suitably engraved plaque will be presented to the awardee(s) and the company or agency at either a national or regional meeting. In appreciation of this important contribution by industry, the company, or agency and the individual or team involved will be recognized on the CPS Website and/or the CPS Newsletter during the year the award was received.
7. CPS Education Award
An award to recognize the contributions of individuals or groups in the development of teaching resources that can be used by instructors in public schools, universities or industry to illustrate principles of plant pathology and to encourage interest in this field. These educational resources include, but are not limited to, videos, websites, software, educational games, mobile apps, podcasts, and posters explaining topics in plant pathology or describing scientific projects, or feature articles that foster interest in the field of plant pathology. Where possible, entries should be designed so that they can be made available to educators and the public through the CPS website or through social media. All members of the public may submit nominations, including students and members of the Canadian Phytopathological Society.
The 2018 CPS Education Award nomination form is available here.
8. Best Student Presentation Awards
The Dr. and Mrs. D.L. Bailey Award ceased to exist in 1999, and the money in the Bailey award fund was assigned to the Best Student Presentation Awards for oral and poster presentations during the CPS annual meeting.
The criteria governing the selection of the recipients are: a) The primary subject matter of the presentation shall be phytopathological, b) Candidates must be either enrolled at a university or have completed a program for a degree at a university not more than six months before the Annual meeting of members. Candidates have to be members of the Canadian Phytopathological Society, and c) The presentations for which the students received the awards must not have been made previously in competition before another professional society. Student presentations can be submitted in either oral or poster competitions. Criteria for judging oral talks or posters are provided.
9. Graduate Student Scholarships (updated 2012/07/02)
Up to three student scholarships of $1,500 each, plus a student membership in the Canadian Phytopathological Society, will be made available annually for students studying plant pathology in Canada. Applications should be submitted to the Chair of the CPS Awards Committee (for the current Chair see the committee membership on the CPS web-site). The scholarships are available to undergraduate, MSc and PhD students studying at a post-secondary institution in Canada.
A scholarship made to an undergraduate student will require the student to provide evidence that he/she will be enrolled in a graduate program within 12 months of being awarded the scholarship, at which time the funds will be released to the student. Evidence includes a letter from the senior supervisor, or the appropriate department within the post-secondary institution, confirming enrolment.
The distribution of the scholarships will be made to undergraduate or graduate students (MSc and PhD) as determined by the Awards Committee. Consideration will be given to at least one scholarship at the MSc level if a suitable candidate can be identified.
Applicants are eligible to receive up to two scholarships during their graduate student career, one during their MSc and a second during their PhD studies. Successful undergraduates would not receive the scholarship until registered in an MSc; they would be eligible for one further scholarship during their PhD.
The CPS Awards Committee shall use specific guidelines for awarding the scholarships that will include consideration of grade point average, as well as two letters of reference, a personal statement and the an essay or research proposal. The details are as follows:
Following the award of the CPS Graduate Student Scholarship, candidates are expected to present their research at a national or regional CPS meeting at some future date and their supervisors are requested to provide a short biography of the student for the quarterly newsletter of the Canadian Phytopathological Society.
The awardee(s) have to be a CPS member at the time that the award is given.
10. Career Recognition Award
The intent of the Career Recognition Award is to recognize and validate the contributions of retired individuals who have made significant and long-term contributions to plant pathology in Canada, and the broader community. It also provides an opportunity to publish an account of these contributions in the Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology as a form of recognition.