Call for Nominations for the CPS Education Award

The CPS Education Award recognizes the contributions of individuals or groups in the development of teaching resources for use by instructors in schools, universities or industry to illustrate principles of plant pathology and to encourage interest in this field.

Purpose of the Award
The intent is to encourage individuals or teams to design educational resources or develop projects to inform grade school and high school students, university students or industry extension staff about the importance of plant pathology.

Nature of the Award
The award consists of $500, an engraved plaque, and a photo in the CPS News.
Eligibility Guidelines

All members of the public may submit nominations, including students and members of the Canadian Phytopathological Society.

The following educational resources may be submitted: videos, websites, software, educational games, mobile apps, podcasts, posters explaining topics in plant pathology or describing scientific projects, or feature articles that foster interest in the field of plant pathology.

How to submit an entry
Please send the nomination form and a digital copy or link to the educational resource by email to

Closing Date: 23:00 Pacific Standard Time
May 15, 2018

Important reminders:

Winning entries will be made available to the public and educators through the CPS website or through social media.

CPS is not responsible for any material that may be damaged or lost in transit.