2 Ph.D. Positions on UAV Imagery in Precision Agriculture
Eligible Candidates:
Applicants should have successfully completed a M.Sc. degree and have a strong background in agronomy or phytopathology and an interest in precision agriculture.
It is critical the applicant has some ability to program computer codes to facilitate data analysis as well as good writing and oral skills.
Prior research experience as documented with peer-reviewed publications will be an asset.
Interested applicants should email before December 15th 2017 as a single pdf file a CV, a copy of academic transcripts (including TOEFL score if non-English speaking applicants), list of publications and the names/contact information for three references. Uncompleted applications will not be considered. We thank all the applicants, but only the short-listed candidates will be contacted.
For more information or application, please contact Prof. Brigitte Leblon (bleblon@unb.ca)