2021 CPS Student Video Competition
Michelle Thompson – Gibberella Ear Rot of Corn: the trouble with toxins
Anuradha Jayathissa – Fusarium Head Blight in Barley
Arshani Alukumbura – Blackleg in Canola
2019 CPS Student Video Competition
Onion Smut by Alexandra Stinson
Easy Detection of Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) using the Scratch Method, by Kiran Timilsina
Ascochyta blight of pea by Nimllash Thangam Sivachandra Kumar
2018 CPS Student Video Competition
Stripe Rust ( Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) by Katherine Stone
Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) by Michael Di Nardo.
Stripe Rust in Ontario by Elijah Dalton
Bacterial spot of tomatoes in Southwestern Ontario, by Tina Simington
Diseases of Strawberry – Anthracnose and Grey Mould – By Lina Sernaite
Phytophthora time-lapse plant pathology. By Mihajlo Risteski
The Biosynthesis and Signalling of Cytokinins – Corn Smut – By Ibraheem Alimi
2017 CPS Student Video Competition
Ascochyta leaf blight of lentil, by Kun Lou, Keiko Nabetani, and Megan
Aphanomyces root rot of pulses caused by Aphanomyces euteiches. By Nimllash Thangam.
Coffee leaf rust caused by Hemileia vastatrix, by Alexandra Stinson
Diagnosing Stem and Bulb Nematodes (Ditylenchus Dipsaci) in Garlic, by Michael Di Nardo,
Stripe rust of wheat caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici by Sara Wyngaarden
2016 CPS Student Video Competition
Diagnosing Microdochium Patch of turf grasses, by Sara Stricker
Diseases and Pests of Wasabi by Jesse MacDonald.
Phoma lavandulae and Bulgarian lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) by Katya Vasileva
Septoria linicola, the cause of Pasmo disease of Flax by Tonima Islam
Stripe rust of wheat caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, by Theodore Taam