The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to highlight the expected behaviours of all CPS members to uphold a respectful and welcoming environment. It is the fundamental right of all CPS members to be treated with respect and dignity. The CPS is firmly committed to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
To align with this goal, the CPS expects that all members to understand and adhere to their rights and responsibilities, which include:
Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct may lead to consequences, including suspension or expulsion from the CPS (By-Law 17). Serious matters, such as instances of interpersonal or sexual violence, may be referred to the appropriate legal authority. By-Laws 38 and 39 outline processes for Mediation and Arbitration and are available online at:
To report any violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact a member of the Board of the CPS. A current list of Board members and their contact information can be found on the CPS website at: