Canadian Plant Disease Survey Archive

Volume 75

Table of Contents
Volume 75 (1), 1995


Response of cultivars and breeding lines of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to the new alpha-Brazil race of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in southwestern Ontario
J.C. Tu

Pages 5-8
Frequency and distribution of seedborne fungi infecting canola seed from Ontario and western Canada -1989 to 1993
R.M. Clear and S.K. Patrick

Pages 9-18
Survey for rupestris stem-pitting and corky bark diseases of grapevine in the Niagara peninsula, Ontario L. W. Stobbs and J.G. Van Schagen
Pages 19-22
Long-term survival and sporulation of Leptosphaeria maculans (blackleg) on naturally-infected rapeseed/canola stubble in Saskatchewan
G.A. Petrie

Pages 23-34
Patterns of ascospore discharge by Leptosphaeria maculans (blackleg) from nine-to thirteen-month old naturally-infected rapeseed/canola stubble from 1977 to 1993 in Saskatchewan
G.A. Petrie

Pages 35-44
Effects of chemicals on ascospore production by Leptosphaeria maculans on blackleg-infected canola stubble in Saskatchewan
G.A. Petrie

Pages 45-50
Screening of field pea cultivars for resistance to fusarium root rot under field conditions in Alberta
S.F. Hwang, Howard, R.J., Chang, K.F., Park, B., Lopetinsky, K., McAndrew, D.W.

Pages 51-56
Diagnostic laboratories / Laboratoires diagnostiques
Pages 59-111
Cereals / Cereales
Pages 112-130
Oilseeds and special crops / Oléagineux et cultures spéciales
Pages 131-161
Forage legumes / Légumineuses fourragères
Pages 162-169
Vegetables / Légumes
Pages 170-179
Small fruits / Petits fruits
Pages 180-184
Volume 75 (2), 1995
Occurence of anthracnose fruit rot caused by Colletotrichum acutatum on day-neutral strawberries in Manitoba
A.G. Xue and C.G. Davidson

Pages 185-190
Pythium root rot associated with cool-season dieback of turfgrass in Ontario and Quebec
T. Hsiang, C. Wu, L. Yang and L. Liu

Pages 191-196
Author Index to Volume 75 / Index des auters (volume 75)
Pages 197-200