Canadian Plant Disease Survey Archive

Volume 71

Table of Contents
Volume 71, 1991  
no. 1 (1-136)    no. 2 (137-176)


Incidence and severity of verticillium wilt of alfalfa in Prince Edward Island (1988-89) and New Brunswick (1988) R.A. Martin, P. Boswall and K. Lynch
Pages 5-8
Response of cultivars and breeding lines to the disease complex of fusarium wilt and root rot of green peas in SW Ontario
J.C. Tu

Pages 9-12
Root lesion and root-knot nematodes associated with crops grown in rotation with carrots on Prince Edward Island
J. Diamond, J. Kimpinski and C.E. Gallant

Pages 13-16
Occurrence of lettuce rust in Onoway, Alberta in 1989
K.F. Chang, M. Mirza and S.F. Hwang

Pages 17-20
Occurrence of verticillium wilt of alfalfa in southern Alberta, 1980-86
R.J. Howard, H.C. Huang, J.A. Traquair, E.R. Moskaluk, M.J. Kokko and L.M. Phillippe

Pages 21-28
Effects of soil pH and nutrients on growth of apple seedling grown in apple replant disease soils of British Columbia
T.S.C. Li and R.S. Utkhede

Pages 29-32
Populations of propagules of Mucor spp. during immersion dumping of Anjou pears
P.L. Sholberg and G.R. Owen

Pages 33-36
Role of the insect Nysius niger, and flixweed, Desurainia sophia, in infection of Saskatchewan mustard crops with a yeast, Nematospora sinecauda
L. Burgess and D.L. McKenzie

Pages 37-42
Powdery mildew of babaco at Agassiz, B.C.
J.G. Menzies and C. Kempler

Pages 43-46
Diagnostic laboratories / Laboratoires diagnostiques
Pages 51-60
Cereals /Céréales
Pages 61-82
Forage legumes / Légumineuses fourraghères
Pages 83-91
Oilseeds and special crops / Oléagineux et cultures spéciales
Pages 92-111
Vegetables / Légumes
Pages 112-116
Tree fruits and nuts / Arbres fruitiers et noix
Pages 117-120
Small fruits / Petits fruits
Pages 121-125
Turfgrass/ Gazon
Pages 126-128
Forest trees / Arbres forestiers
Pages 129-136
Obiturary / Notice Necrologique
Page 137
Distribution and severity of scald on winter barley in Ontario in 1988 and 1989
G. Xue and R. Hall

Pages 139-142
Reaction of additional barley cultivars to two aster yellows strains

Pages 143-146
A survey of carrot diseases on muck soils in the southwestern part of Quebec
R. Arcelin and A.C. Kushalappa

Pages 147-154
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose of Lavaterasp.
K. Mortensen
Pages 155-160
Fusarium avenaceum, a pathogen of stored broccoli
J. Mercier, J. Makhlouf and R.A. Martin

Pages 161-162
Yield of soybean cultivars differing in susceptibility to Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea on minimum tillage ridges
T.R. Anderson
Pages 163-164
Field susceptibility of scab-resistant apple cultivars and selections to frogeye leaf spot
J. Warner

Pages 165-168
Effects of seed infection by Ascochytaspp., fungicide seed treatment, and cultivar on yield parameters of field pea under field conditions
S.F. Hwang, K. Lopetinsky and 1.R. Evans

Pages 169-172
Author Index to Volume 71
Pages 173-176