Canadian Plant Disease Survey Archive

Volume 63

Table of Contents
Volume 63 (1), 1983


Northern distribution of LTB snow mold in Canada
JA. Traquair,JB. Lebeau, JE. Moffat, andM. Kokko

Pages 1-2
Armillaria root rot on urban trees: another perspective to the root rot problem in Newfoundland
Pritam Singh and G.C. Carew

Pages 3-6
Low-temperature fungi associated with Alfalfa root and crown rot in central Albert
D. Stelfox and M. Bertsch

Pages 7-12
Viroids and their potential danger to potatoes in hot climates
R.P. Singh

Pages 13-18
Sclerotinia contamination of Alberta-produced rapeseed, from 1976-1981
Jill R. Thomson and D. Stelfox

Pages 19-22
Suspected boron deficiency in birdsfoot trefoil in field plots
J MacQuarrie, W.E. Sackston and B.E. Coulman

Pages 23-24
Fusarium nivale (Gerlachia nivalis) from cereals and grasses: Is it the same fungus?
J. Orew Smith

Pages 25-26
Distribution of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in western Canada as indicated by sclerotial levels in rapeseed unloaded in Vancouver, 1973-1981
John Dueck and Frederick S. Sedun

Pages 27-29
Volume 63 (2), 1983
Observations on Monilinia Twig and Blossom Blight of the Lowbush Blueberry in the Maritime Provinces
C.L. Lockhart, R. W Delbridge end D. McIsaac

Pages 31-34
Fungi associated with the roots of clover in Alberta. 1. Olpidium brassicse and Ligniers sp.
J.P. Teweri end P. Bains

Pages 35-38
Detection of potato virus Y in primarily infected mature plants by ELISA, indicator host, and visual indexing
R.P. Singh and J Sentos-Rojas

Pages 39-44
Washing of potatoes to remove nematodes and to observe effect on storage rot diseases
J. Kimpinski and H.W Platt

Pages 45-46
Occurrence of alfalfa mosaic virus in Prince Edward Island
John G. McDonald and Michio Suzuki

Pages 47-50
Survey of eastem Ontario alfalfa fields to determine common fungal diseases and predominant soil-borne species of Pythium and Fusarium
P.K. Basu

Pages 51-54
A recurrence of tomato corky root in Ontario
WR. Jervis

Pages 55-56
A suggestion for the survey and reporting of native plant pathogens
R.S. Hunt

Pages 57-58
Author Index to volume 63
Page 59