
Guelph Turfgrass Institute
364 College Ave E
Guelph, Ontario

n-person meeting at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute, 364 College Ave E, Guelph, ON Registration is required (includes lunch). Space is limited for posters and will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration fee is $25, and free for students.


  • October 18, 2024 (12 p.m.): Deadline for submitting poster abstracts to the dropbox
  • October 25 (12 p.m.): Student posters must be submitted as a PDF to the student poster competition dropbox to be considered for the competition. First prize: $250, Second Prize: $150, Third Prize: $100
  • October 25th (12 p.m.): Registration closes. Walk-ins will still be welcomed but dietary restrictions may not be accommodated under short-notice.

To register, complete the form linked below. Registration and cost for publishing abstracts can be paid by cheque, cash, or e-transfer on Nov 1. Receipts available on request. Cheques should be made payable to “CPS-SORA” To register multiple attendees, or submit multiple poster abstracts, please submit the form and then refresh the page to create a new submission.

Registration form

Poster abstract submission (closes Oct 18)

Student poster competition dropbox (closes Oct 25)

Poster Submission Guidelines

Abstract Format and Submission Guidelines

For questions, please contact Dr. Sara Stricker:
